Published by Seven Stories Press
“An excellent example of silent narrative conveying fellings of entrapment and resistance, fellings that are not easily described -or even understood- but still necessary to witness, to resolve.”
— Shaun Tan
It started with drawings in my sketchbook.
In October 2014 a bear with a cone stuck on his head appeared in my sketchbook. At the time I was struggling to understand and help someone very close to me who was dealing with depression and alcoholism. For years I drew the bear in my sketchbook and created black and white etchings from some of the drawings.
Some of the sketchbook-drawings and prints.
A storyline emerged.
My exploration of the bear grew over the years and I used my experience of printmaking, storytelling, describing mood and atmosphere, as well as trying to pin down my feelings, as a response to this undertaking.

Printing a bear with Staffan.
This little film was filmed and edited by my talented friend Pippa Riddick in the autumn of 2022.