The Korean Publications
I’ve created three picture books with two different Korean publishers using two different printmaking techniques.
Reduction woodcuts
A woodcut is a printmaking technique where you cut away everything you want to be light from the woodblock and then print it. With a reduction woodcut you cut out the lightest part of the image from the woodblock, print it in a light colour, and then cut out the next lightest section. You keep on cutting and printing on the same piece of paper until you have printed the darkest areas and have totally destroyed your woodblock.

Collograph prints
A collograph is the cheap version of an etching. Instead of scratching into a metal surface you use card as your plate. You make your drawing onto the card, then varnish it and once it’s dry you scratch into the lines you have drawn. To print it you ink up the plate like an etching: that is you cover your card in ink and then wipe it all off. The ink left in the grooves will transfer to your paper when it goes through the etching-press.